around 220 pounds

around 220 pounds
Me one week before I met Ryan.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Waiting to feel better.... I am sick of the pain and I wish I have been better on my diet but the other day I ate a little container of cookies because I could reach them and I didn't have to ask Ryan to get them for me. I have snacked alot because what else could I do. I am scared to step on the scale I think I've gained all that I have lost. I feel so helpless! I can walk on it now but my boot is awkward and I only last about an hour standing. We went to r.c. Willey to buy our tv. I did really good but paid for it later! I foing to miss my fit fusion classes for a couple weeks but can't wait until I can get back. I feel better and do better on my diet when I work out before I start my day! I have done so aweful on my diet I have been telling myself I deserve this I am injured! I always do better when I have the endorphines from working out! I can't wait to get back and start training for my 5k.