around 220 pounds

around 220 pounds
Me one week before I met Ryan.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

First Day with my New Trainer

This morning was my first day with my new trainer. I love her, I don't feel awkward with her like I did with Jake. She had a plan and took notes and I could tell that she really cared about my goals and my concerns. We didn't do a whole lot today just tested my strength so that she knew where to start with me. We did a little circket training, I felt like she made the most time we had left to good use. I asked her about my fit fusion class and 5k training and she thinks that that is great. I am very excited, I'm going to be one hot mamma!
I went to jamba juice today and got a juice, I love jamba juice! I never really liked them before. I am still sserching for the perfect drink there let me know what your favorites are. I have had the most stressful day with babies throwing up and drs appts I just wanted to buy a giant box of ding dongs and down them all... But I refrained and I am so proud... can't wait to train tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Work outs 2 for 2

This week I have been 2 for 2 on workouts! I went running with my running partner Lindsay yesterday and this morning I went to yoga. First yesterday (Monday) we went running and we kicked butt on workout two of our 5k program. I am so excited that we have each other to push one another. I feel like I am holding her back a little though, I don't have a very long stride. It is hard to pull around all this extra weight! I think I will be much faster when I weigh less so I hope that I can lose 20-30 pounds before our 5k on July 16th. I am excited for Thursday so we can accomplish our first week of Training Then we will be on to the next week!
Second Yoga today was so good I went to a beginner class I felt more comfortable in a beginner class. I could do more things that they were doing. We did a hip stretch that felt so good (Running is really hard on my hips). I also did... Wait for it... A Head Stand! Last time I tried I couldn't grasp the concept, this time I did. I only got off the graound for two seconds and freaked out but I did IT!
I have a such a good week so far I could not get off this feeling even if I wanted to. I want to feel like this every single day! I am going to do morning workouts as much as possible so that I can feel good all day and not want to eat badly.
Lindsay and I are starting Thursday and we are going to make our meals for a whole week together so We not only have it planned out but have it all ready in the fridge for when we are ready to go. I always eat good when I have it on hand! I am just looking for something fast when I want something! You know that is the only reason I eat fast food hence the FAST part. I can't wait to see my results next week! It will be one for the books!