around 220 pounds

around 220 pounds
Me one week before I met Ryan.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 1 again

Here we go again, doesn't it always seem that way? I am here to show you my journey if you are interested. I have been "DiEtInG" for much too long. Now I am going to listen to my body and push it hard when I am in need to. I have no secret, I have no over night miracle cure for my obesity. I have hit an all time high of 305 pounds and was just disscusted with myself because I had made a promise to myself that I would not get there ever!

So here I am starting over, day 1! This will be my last day one ever, I have had so many. This does not mean that I will fall, because I know that I will fall alot. But my journey includes getting right back up when I fall. That is the plan, I can do that.

I want to be SEXY that is my goal. No Numbers or scales will get me down. I will weigh in once a month to see that I have made progress that I need. I made a promise to myself not to step on the scale during the month of October, which I gave in and stepped on the scale yesturday. I weighed in at 296 that is my starting weight now.

Every day I will be dedicating my day to a certain person that has influenced me. I have alot of people to be thankful for and losing weight for me has been my goal for a long time but I need more motivation. So yes Day 1 is for ME! I am going to reach my goals for the day for ME today. So watch out I may dedicate a day to you one day, you never know who will be next.

I feel really great and have been feeling great and working out for a week now and I love feeling this way. I have a goal of 2 hours of moderate activity every day, 9000 steps, and to burn 3800 calories every day. I love when my body bugg watch beeps at me telling me I have reached one of my goals for the day and I cannot wait to hear it again.

I have learned that eating chocolate is nothing compared to the excitment I get about a workout finished or the look I get while shopping knowing I will be able to shop at ALL stores by March. Or feeling great about the food choices that I made throughout the day. I LOVE it!

Can't wait to be sexy!

