around 220 pounds

around 220 pounds
Me one week before I met Ryan.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

week one results

Hey everyone here are week ones results for my weight loss challenge!

ID # Week 2 Total
Lyndsi -3.30% -3.30 %
001 -1.67% -1.67%
002 -1.41% -1.41 %
003 -0.76% -0.76 %
004 -1.58% -1.58%
005 -0.00% -0.00 %
006 -2.75% -2.75 %
007 -4.81% -4.81%
008 -2.38% -2.38 %
009 N/A N/A
010 -2.63% -2.63 %
011 -1.16% -1.16%
012 N/A N/A
013 -0.20% -0.20%
015 +0.33% +0.33 %
016 N/A N/A
017 N/A N/A
018 N/A N/A
019 -1.61% -1.61 %
020 -0.70% -0.70 %
021 N/A N/A
022 N/A N/A
023 N/A N/A
024 N/A N/A
025 -0.75% -0.75 %
026 -0.88% -0.88 %
027 N/A N/A
028 N/A N/A
029 N/A N/A
030 -0.73% -0.73 %
031 N/A N/A
032 N/A N/A

I still need a lot of second week weights along with some starting weights! If you don’t give me your weights week by week… first of all you’re not being held accountable and second of all you won’t be able to track where you are with others in the competition and third you are going to be at a disadvantage starting late! The most important I need it starting weights! I still need them from #’s 032, 027, 022, 021, 018, 014 Please get them to me the moment you read this. Thank you!
Week 2 challenge…. Move more challenge… Basically you need to move more everyday! Example... Park as far away as possible or walk places, take the stairs instead of the elevater, sit on a stability ball at work or while watching TV, do squats, crunches, push ups, sit ups, planks, etc while watching TV, take your kids or pets on more walks and bike rides, JUST KEEP MOVING! At the end of the day if you have moved as much as you could've moved all day you get that point for the day. Make sense? Good luck let me know what you guys do so I can share with everyone more ideas... Any Ideas