around 220 pounds

around 220 pounds
Me one week before I met Ryan.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Starting New and 5K!

Okay now that you all have seen fail misserably and shut everyone out... Here I go again! I am starting today with a new game plan. I am making more rules for myself
Rule 1: No Sugar
Rule 2: No White bread Whole grains only!
Rule 3: Exercise Every day but Sunday
I am terribly excited about it mostly because Ryan is doing it with me! We are going to train togetherish for a 5k, we can't really ever go at the same time seeing that we have taylor and taytum.
I am really excited to start new and start good. I feel like such a Failure I never want to do it again. I got so down when I hurt my ankle. I knew every diet I have ever tried without exercise has sadly failed. Once I hurt my ankle my mind went into this mode of lose and depression. I never want to get there again.
I want to go buy a really expensive pair of jeans in a size 14. I would love to be a 10 but I think realistically I am more likely to get into a size 14 then I will work into a size 10. I want to put this pair of jeans on my wall. I will look at this pair of jeans every day and see what I can be and how I spent all that money I should really work to be able to wear them down. What do you think of this motivation???
Sorry I have not been posting I feel like you don't really want to hear me whine every day! I am ready to get back on that scale and show you how badly I have messed up and never do that again here we go...

I only gained 5 pounds and I thought it would be much more! I am so disappointed in myself, but I have to get over it and move on. I am starting a 5k program its called the C25k program (Couch to 5K) I am super excited Ryan is going to train by himself well with his friends and I am going to train on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays with my friend Lindsay Bowers. I am excited to have a running buddy I have always done it on my own and have not succeeded. I have done this program before and I failed so misserably. I tried to run a 5k on New Years Eve I trained a ton in August and procrastinated and tried to do the program in just a few weeks. You can't skip steps in life and that is what I learned. I am on my way to being fit and sexy can't wait to meet me!